Have you noticed how adverts have those identifying tags bolted on the end? Just in case you don’t know what brand is lobbying for your trade, you get some highly annoying little phrase or ring tone to hear people repeat to themselves subconsciously. The worst offender is vulgar The Daily Express and it’s little cartoon… Continue reading Express delivery
Category: Newspapers
Greed and relativity
A person can become saturated with their own greed, it’s the point where the interest in private wealth is lost and its RELATIVITY is increased by keeping the resources of those around them to an absolute minimum. Then instead of a finite figure prosperity can be measured in terms of a ratio, which has a… Continue reading Greed and relativity
The Royal Family and War Memorials
Every village has a war memorial, the little wrought iron gates next to the church, usually bloated with the hundredth coat of glossy black paint, quietly seals off that almost sacred plot that as a child you never ventured. Somehow the little patch of grass, lists of names and occasional bunch of flowers gave off… Continue reading The Royal Family and War Memorials